clean set of golf clubs with towel and covers

How to Clean Golf Clubs: Pro Tips to Get The Most Out of Your Clubs

Keeping your golf equipment well maintained can directly affect your performance on the course. Clean golf clubs especially not only look great but also ensure better contact, more control, and improved accuracy. No matter your skill level, keeping your clubs in top condition can make a significant difference in your game. In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple yet crucial steps to clean your golf clubs properly, helping you extend their lifespan and enhance your playing experience.

Benefit of Clean Golf Clubs 

Keeping your clubs clean is about more than just aesthetics. Dirty clubs actually don’t play as well as clean clubs, and they tend to wear out faster. 

Dirt and debris stuck to your golf club can affect the spin rate of the ball, especially on wedges. Clean grooves help generate the optimal spin needed for control and ensure better contact with the ball. A clean clubface can also lead to more efficient energy transfer, potentially increasing distance.

Additionally, consistent shots are more achievable with clean clubs, as the ball reacts more predictably off a clean surface. Dirt and grass can cause unpredictable ball flight. Clean clubs reduce this variability, improving your overall accuracy.

Finally, regular cleaning removes moisture and debris that can cause rust and corrosion, extending the lifespan of your clubs. Keeping clubs clean helps maintain their finish, preventing scratches and other damage that can occur over time, ensuring you get plenty of play out of your clubs.

How Often Should You Clean Your Clubs?

How often you clean your clubs is dependent on how much you play. In general, you should follow a regular cleaning schedule so your clubs stay in top shape. Here are some general guidelines on how often you should clean your clubs.

After Every Round

After each round, take a few minutes to wipe down the clubheads with a golf towel or a damp cloth to remove dirt, grass, and debris. Use a dry brush to remove any dirt stuck in the grooves of your irons and wedges. Quickly cleaning your clubs after every round keeps them looking good and prevents buildup, making monthly cleaning easier.

After Wet or Muddy Conditions

Mud and moisture can cause damage and rust if left on your clubs. If you’ve played in particularly wet or muddy conditions, clean your clubs immediately after the round as well as throughout the round.

Monthly Maintenance

Once a month, inspect your clubs for any damage or wear and give your clubs a more thorough cleaning. You’ll want to clean the clubheads with soapy water, scrub them with a soft-bristled brush, and dry them thoroughly. Wipe down the shafts and clean the grips with a mild detergent or grip cleaner to keep the grips tacky and the shafts free of dirt and grime.

How to Clean Your Golf Clubs

To properly clean your golf clubs, you’ll need a few basic supplies and the right technique. Here's a list of what you'll need and the steps to follow.


  1. Bucket or Sink: For holding soapy water.
  2. Warm Water: Not too hot to avoid damaging the club’s finish.
  3. Mild Dish Soap: Gentle enough to clean without damaging the club.
  4. Soft-Bristled Brush: A toothbrush or a dedicated golf club brush works well. Avoid using wire brushes as they can scratch the clubface.
  5. Toothpick or Tee: For cleaning the grooves.
  6. Soft Cloth or Microfiber Towel: For polishing and wiping down the clubs.

Cleaning Your Golf Clubs

Cleaning Irons and Wedges

Soak the clubheads (only the heads) of your irons and wedges in soapy water. Let them soak for 5-10 minutes to loosen any dirt and debris that’s accumulated. Avoid submerging the shafts, especially if they are made of graphite, to prevent damage.

Cleaning Drivers, Fairway Woods, and Hybrids

Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy water. Gently wipe down the clubhead of your driver, fairway woods, and hybrids. Don’t submerge these clubheads in water, especially for clubs with composite parts like drivers and fairway woods.

Scrub the Clubheads

Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the clubface, focusing on the grooves where dirt has accumulated. Work methodically, making sure you scrub the entire face of the club, including the sole and back. For stubborn dirt in the grooves, use a toothpick or a tee to carefully remove it.

Rinse and Dry

Rinse the clubheads with clean water to remove all soap residue. Dry thoroughly with a towel to prevent rust. Make sure that the grooves and other nooks are completely dry.

Clean the Shafts

Wipe down the shafts with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or fingerprints. Dry with a towel to prevent any moisture damage.

Clean the Grips

Use a mild detergent or grip cleaner and a cloth to clean the grips. Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly. Clean grips ensure a firm, comfortable hold.

Inspect and Polish

Inspect the clubs for any remaining dirt or damage. Use a soft cloth or microfiber towel to polish the clubheads, giving them a nice shine and ensuring they are in top condition.

What Not to Do When Cleaning Your Golf Clubs

We’ve shared a lot of tips about cleaning your clubs, but there are a few things you should avoid when doing so.

Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

Don’t use strong household cleaners like bleach to clean your clubs. Harsh cleaning chemicals can damage the finish and materials of your clubs, causing them to wear out much faster. Use mild dish soap or specialized golf club cleaning solutions to clean them safely and effectively.

Don’t Use Wire Brushes or Abrasive Pads

Wire brushes and abrasive pads can scratch the clubface and remove the protective coating. Always use a soft-bristled brush, like a toothbrush or a dedicated golf club brush, to scrub stuck-on debris. Be sure to use gentle, circular motions when scrubbing.

Don’t Leave Your Clubs Wet

Make sure to thoroughly dry your clubs after you clean them. Any excess moisture left behind can lead to rust, especially on steel shafts and clubheads. Rust can be particularly difficult to clean off golf clubs, so it’s best to prevent rust from forming from the start.

Don’t Forget Regular Maintenance

Clean your clubs regularly, especially after playing in muddy or wet conditions. Infrequent cleaning eventually leads to a buildup of dirt and grime which can affect your performance and the longevity of your clubs.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your golf clubs clean is a straightforward and vital part of maintaining your equipment and enhancing your performance on the course. By incorporating regular cleaning into your routine, you’ll make sure that your clubs remain in excellent condition, providing consistent, accurate shots every time you play.

It’s easy to keep your golf clubs clean when they’re made with premium materials and have a sophisticated design. Stix golf clubs feature a highly durable black coating and are made to last, ensuring you look great and play better on the course. Designed with forgiveness and confidence, keeping these clubs clean will be a source of pride rather than a chore.

Shop Stix golf clubs today →

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