female golfer mid-swing

12 Beginner Golf Swing Tips for Women

While golf has long been considered a predominantly male sport, we're here to challenge that notion and celebrate the growing number of women taking to the fairways. If you’re ready to tee up and learn about this great sport, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll focus on the importance of a good golf swing and how it directly influences your game. You’ll come away with twelve actionable tips for women golfers ready to learn the game and start crushing it on the course.

What Makes Golf a Great Sport for Women?

Golf is a fantastic sport for women to participate in. It offers women opportunities for low-intensity physical activity in nature, social engagement, skill development, and enjoyment for decades. Here are a few reasons why golf is a perfect sport for women.


Golf is accessible to women of all ages and at all fitness levels. It doesn't require intense physical exertion or strength, making it accessible to women of varying abilities, body types, and social statuses.

Social Opportunities

One of the best things about playing golf is playing with friends and family. Regularly playing golf allows you to spend time with loved ones, exercise, and engage in friendly competition.

Health Benefits

While golf may not be as physically demanding as some other sports, it still offers numerous health benefits, including cardiovascular exercise from walking the course, improved balance and coordination, and stress reduction from spending time outdoors in nature.

Skill Development

Golf is a skill-based sport that requires concentration, strategy, and precision. While physical strength can undoubtedly affect your game, mastering the technique is critical. Women can enjoy the challenge of improving their game and learning new techniques over time.

Lifetime Sport

Golf is a sport that can be enjoyed throughout your entire life, from youth into old age. The longevity of golf makes it a perfect option for women looking for a sport they can continue to play and enjoy as they age.

The Importance of a Good Golf Swing

So, how do you get started as a female golfer? Work on your golf swing, of course! Your golf swing is foundational to the game. A great golf swing gives you control over your shots' direction, trajectory, and consistency. By refining your swing mechanics, you improve your ability to hit the ball on target consistently and generate power and distance. Maximizing clubhead speed and efficiently transferring energy from your body to the club leads to greater distance off the tee and with your irons.

Developing proper swing mechanics early on lays the groundwork for improvement and skill development in other areas of the game, like ball striking, accuracy, and distance control. By working on your swing from the beginning, you can establish good habits and techniques to help you achieve greater consistency in your shots.

12 Golf Swing Tips for Women

Ready to get started? Here are ten solid ways to hone your golf swing so it’s smooth, powerful, and consistent every time.

1. Focus on your grip

Start by mastering your grip on the club. Hold the club with your lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers, right hand for left-handed golfers) and let it hang naturally at your side. The grip should rest diagonally across your fingers, with the club extending from the base of your pinkie finger to the middle of your index finger. 

Wrap your fingers around the grip, ensuring they make contact with the club securely but not too tightly. Your grip pressure should be firm but not so tight that it restricts movement or causes tension in your hands and arms.

Place your other hand on the club, overlapping the fingers of your lead hand. The grip should primarily be in the fingers of your trail hand, with the thumb resting comfortably on top of the grip.

2. Practice the proper golf stance

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Distribute your weight evenly between both feet at setup. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as this can affect your balance and swing mechanics. Your weight should feel balanced and centered over the balls of your feet. You should also bend your knees slightly at setup to create a stable and athletic stance. Aim to maintain a relaxed and comfortable position that allows for mobility and balance throughout your swing. 

Learn more: The Proper Golf Stance for Drivers, Irons, and Putter

3. Work on your posture and alignment

Maintain good posture throughout your swing. Tilt your upper body slightly forward from the hips, maintaining a straight spine angle. Remember to engage your core for stability and control throughout your swing. Avoid slouching or arching your back excessively, as this can affect your swing mechanics and lead to inconsistent ball striking. 

Proper alignment also helps promote straight, accurate shots because it sets the direction for your swing path. If your body is aligned correctly, the ball will follow suit. Position your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line. Imagine a straight line extending from your target through the ball and beyond. Align your body along this line to ensure you aim your shots accurately towards the target.

4. Let the club feel heavy

Women’s clubs are usually lighter than men’s, which helps generate a faster swing. The downside is that women sometimes have a more challenging time making good contact with the ball with these lighter clubs–that’s why it’s so important to let the club feel heavy in your hands while you swing. 

When swinging, imagine that the club is heavy in your hands on the downswing to make better contact with the ground and the ball. You’ll also generate more clubhead speed and improve your launch angle, which both help increase your overall carry distance.

5. Develop a controlled backswing

Avoid overcomplicating the backswing. Keep it simple and controlled, with a smooth takeaway and gradual rotation of the shoulders and hips. Throughout the backswing, focus on maintaining connection between your arms, hands, and body. Keep your arms relatively straight but relaxed, allowing for a full shoulder turn while keeping the club on the correct swing plane.

Initiate the backswing by turning your shoulders away from the target. Focus on rotating your upper body while keeping your lower body relatively stable. Your lead shoulder should move down and across your body as you rotate. As you rotate your shoulders, allow your hips to turn naturally with your body–this stores energy that can be released during the downswing for increased clubhead speed.

At the top of your backswing, the club should be parallel to the ground and pointing towards the target. Your lead arm should be extended, with your wrists hinging naturally to create a 90-degree angle between the club shaft and your lead arm.

Focus on developing a smooth and consistent tempo in your backswing. Don’t rush the backswing by jerking the club back–you’ll lose control and accuracy. Practice swinging with a relaxed and rhythmic motion, maintaining a consistent pace from start to finish.

6. Perfect the downswing

Developing a good downswing is essential for translating the power and momentum built up during the backswing into solid ball striking and distance. Start the downswing by initiating the movement with your lower body, specifically your hips and legs, for a smooth transfer of weight from your back foot to your front foot. Maintain the proper sequence of movement, with the lower body leading the way, followed by the torso, and finally, the arms and club.

Shift your weight onto your front foot as you start the downswing, starting with your hips and following by rotating your torso toward the target. Engage your lower body muscles to generate power and create a strong foundation for the rest of the swing.

Retain the angle between your lead arm and the club shaft as you transition from the backswing to the downswing to create a whip-like effect that increases clubhead speed and power at impact. Focus on maintaining the wrist hinge until the last moment before impact, then release the club with a fluid motion.

7. Follow through completely

Don't stop the swing abruptly after making contact with the ball. Allow the club to release naturally through impact, following the path established by your body rotation. Trust your swing mechanics and focus on maintaining a smooth and fluid motion through impact.

Extend your arms fully through impact, ensuring a full release of energy into the ball. Your lead arm should be straight at impact, with your hands ahead of the clubhead for a downward strike on the ball. Focus on swinging through the ball rather than at it, maintaining extension and follow-through for maximum power and control.

8. Use a launch angle monitor or golf simulator

A golf simulator provides valuable insights into key aspects of your shots, including your launch angle, ball speed, spin rate, and carry distance. Feedback from a launch monitor helps beginners and advanced golfers understand ball flight dynamics, optimize equipment selection, refine swing technique, and set performance goals. By analyzing data from launch angle monitors as a beginner, you can make informed adjustments to improve your consistency, accuracy, and overall performance on the course, accelerating your learning curve and enhancing your enjoyment of the game.

Learn more: How To Effectively Train On A Golf Simulator

9. Club up on distance shots

Clubbing up is an excellent strategy for beginner female golfers who aren’t quite getting the shot distance they want. Clubbing up means using a club with more loft or a longer distance potential than you typically would on a given shot. 

Here’s an example. Let's say a beginner female golfer is facing a shot of around 150 yards to the green. A more seasoned golfer might use a 7 iron for this distance, but she can’t quite hit the ball that far yet since she's a beginner. Clubbing up to a 6 iron would be the better choice for the beginner golfer.

The 6 iron has slightly more loft and distance potential than the 7 iron, making it better suited for longer shots. Considering her current skill level and swing speed, she increases her chances of reaching the green with a 6 iron.

10. Dial in your short game

There are many different golf shots to learn, but none are more important than the shots you need for your short game. If you have the proper technique for the short game—putting, chipping, and pitching—you can save a lot of strokes. Beginner female golfers should take the time to dial in their short game so a lack of swing power and shot distance does not hold them back. 

Begin by practicing short swings with a pitching or sand wedge to develop the proper technique and get a feel for each shot. Focus on making smooth, controlled swings rather than hitting the ball as hard as possible. Once you get comfortable with these clubs, you can work on chipping and pitching or practice your putting skills.

Success in the short game also breeds confidence, which can positively influence other aspects of your game. Knowing that you have the skills to get up and down from around the green or sink a crucial putt can help you approach each shot with greater belief in your abilities. That confidence will, in turn, motivate you to keep playing and improving.

11. Take golf lessons

Basic golf lessons can be beneficial when you start playing because they can help you develop proper habits and address specific areas for improvement early on in your golf journey. With golf lessons, you can get hands-on experience learning the proper fundamental techniques in a controlled environment without the pressure of slowing anyone down on the course. 

Many golf clubs and instructors offer women-specific clinics and lessons tailored to female golfers' unique needs and challenges. Taking advantage of these resources can accelerate your learning and provide a supportive environment to improve your skills on the course.

12. Choose the right golf clubs

The right golf clubs can make or break your golf experience. We recommend choosing forgiving golf clubs that can be configured to your ability and skill level when you first start. Though there’s much debate about the merits of women’s and men’s clubs, you should choose a set that looks great, fits your budget, and helps you play great golf. 

Our 11-piece golf club set for women is perfect for female golfers just getting into this great game. Lightweight with a flexible shaft, these clubs help you maximize distance and provide generous forgiveness on less-than-perfect hits. And though Stix clubs look and feel top-dollar, you won’t find a more affordable set of clubs that play as well as ours do. Give ‘em a swing and see for yourself!

Unlock Your Perfect Golf Swing

We hope this guide has inspired you to grab your clubs and hit the fairway because the world needs more female golfers like you. Remember, every swing is an opportunity to learn and grow, and every round is a chance to challenge yourself and have fun on the course. So get out there, have fun, and sink those putts!

Shop Stix Women's Golf Club Set →

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