Proper Golf Stance for Driver, Irons, and Putter

Proper Golf Stance for Driver, Irons, and Putter

When you're new to golf, the fundamentals are key to building a strong foundation for your game, and it all starts with your stance. A proper golf stance is more than just how you stand—it's the base from which every great swing is born. Whether you're stepping onto the course for the first time or looking to improve your form, mastering your stance is the first step toward more consistent and powerful swings. In this guide, we'll break down the essentials of the perfect golf stance and how to adjust it based on which club you’re using. 

What is a Proper Golf Stance?

A proper golf stance combines optimal body alignment, posture, and foot position to generate the right power and accuracy for your golf swing. The proper golf stance involves standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and weight evenly distributed between both feet. Your spine should be straight with a slight forward tilt from the hips, and your arms should hang naturally from your shoulders. Position the ball appropriately based on the club you’re using—forward in your stance for a driver, and more centered for irons. Align your shoulders, hips, and feet parallel to the target line to ensure a balanced, consistent swing.

Why is a Good Golf Stance Important?

Simply put, the proper golf stance is fundamental to achieving consistency, power, accuracy, and control in your golf game. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits you’ll see when you work on your stance.


Once you get your golf stance down, your game will transform for the better because a good stance allows you to set up the same way for every shot, leading to more consistent ball striking. With a proper stance, you can also control the clubface better, reducing the chances of erratic shots like hooks and slices.


A proper golf stance helps align your body with your target, improving your ability to aim and direct the ball where you want it to go. Proper alignment and posture also contribute to better control of the clubface, leading to more accurate shots.

Power and Distance

A well-balanced golf stance helps you generate maximum power with minimal effort because you’re using your body more efficiently. With a good stance, proper weight distribution and a stable stance enable you to transfer power efficiently from your legs, hips, and torso through the club to the ball more effectively. 

Injury Prevention

Golf may not be the most physically demanding sport, but the repetitive motions can wear down your joints, especially if you’ve got a bad stance. A correct stance ensures that your body is in a natural and comfortable position, reducing the risk of strain or injury during your swing. With the right stance, your body moves more efficiently, reducing fatigue and giving you the stamina for all 18 holes.

How to Build the Correct Golf Stance in 10 Steps

To build the proper golf stance, you need to practice specific techniques and be mindful of your posture, alignment, and balance. Here are some general guidelines for how to build a proper golf stance.

1. Understand the Basics

To start, get familiar with the key elements of a proper golf stance. Be aware of your foot position, weight distribution, knee flex, spine angle, arm position, and shoulder alignment when you hold your golf club.

2. Practice Alignment

Use alignment aids to start building muscle memory. Lay down a club or alignment stick on the ground along your target line so you can learn to align your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to your target. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, with the ball positioned correctly in your stance based on the club you're using.

Learn more: Golf Alignment & Aiming: Beginner Golfers Guide

3. Focus on Your Balance

Practice distributing your weight evenly between your feet. Rock back and forth slightly to find your center of balance, ensuring you’re not leaning too far forward or backward. Try shifting your weight slightly to the balls of your feet to feel more balanced. 

4. Work on Your Posture

Good posture is a crucial element to a proper golf stance. Practice bending forward from your hips while keeping your spine straight, and avoid slouching or hunching your shoulders. Slightly bend your knees to stay in an athletic posture. Middleground is key–your knees should not be locked or overly bent.

5. Check Your Arm Position

Make sure your arms aren’t too stiff or too loose. Let your arms hang naturally from your shoulders with a slight bend in your elbows. You’ll also want to work on your grip, keeping it comfortable and controlled throughout your swing.

Learn more: How to Grip a Golf Club: Guide for Beginners

6. Use Mirrors or Videos

Practice your golf stance in front of a mirror to visually check your alignment, posture, and balance. You can also use a video camera or smartphone to record your stance and setup. Review the footage to identify areas that need improvement.

7. Get Feedback

For beginner golfers, some lessons might help you develop the right golf stance. You can even work with a private golf instructor who can give you personalized feedback and adjustments. Your instructor can spot subtle errors that you might miss and give you specific drills to reinforce the correct stance and posture. 

Of course, lessons aren’t always affordable for everyone. Fortunately, there are many accessible options for those who want a little more instruction while they learn the game.

Learn more: Golf Lessons: Are They Worth It for Beginners?

8. Pay Attention to Ball Position

Ball position is extremely important when working on your golf stance and swing. When practicing, place the ball just inside your left heel (for right-handed golfers) to encourage an upward strike. Adjust the ball position toward the center of your stance for shorter irons and more toward your front foot for longer irons.

9. Practice Regularly

You know what they say–practice makes perfect. Practice your stance regularly, both on the range and at home. Repetition helps reinforce muscle memory, making it easier to maintain the correct stance during play. You should also practice your stance with different clubs to ensure you’re comfortable and consistent with each one.

10. Stay Relaxed and Confident

We know it’s easier said than done, but try to stay relaxed and loose while you play. Have confidence in your golf stance and your setup. Tension in your body can lead to rigid movements and poor shots, so keep your mindset confident and your muscles relaxed for a fluid swing.

The Proper Golf Stance for Each Club

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to refine your stance for each club. We’ve broken down everything below so you can dial in your stance and level up your golf game.

The Perfect Driver Stance - Key Points for Maximum Distance

The proper golf stance for hitting a driver is slightly different from the stance used for other clubs since the goals are to maximize distance and launch the ball high. Here are the highlights.


  • Wide Base: Feet slightly wider than shoulder-width for stability & power.
  • Parallel Alignment: Feet parallel to the target line, toes straight or slightly flared out.
  • Athletic Posture: Knees slightly bent for balance.

Ball Placement:

  • Inside Heel: Position the ball just inside your left heel (right-handed golfers) or right heel (left-handed golfers) for optimal launch.

Weight Distribution:

  • Slight Back Foot Bias: 55-60% weight on back foot at address for a powerful downswing.
  • Balanced on Balls of Feet: Not on heels or toes.

Body Alignment:

  • Spine Tilt: Tilt your spine away from the target, lead shoulder slightly higher than the trail shoulder for increased launch angle.
  • Straight Back & Hip Bend: Keep your back straight and bend forward from the hips to maintain balance.

Arm & Hand Position:

  • Natural Hang: Arms hang naturally with a slight bend at the elbows.
  • Inside Lead Thigh: Hands just inside your lead thigh, clubhead behind the ball.
  • Relaxed Grip: Grip is secure but relaxed, hands slightly ahead of the ball.

Head & Shoulder Alignment:

  • Head Behind the Ball: Head slightly behind the ball at address to hit the ball on the upswing.
  • Shoulders Square or Slightly Closed: Shoulders parallel or slightly closed to the target line for an inside-to-out swing path.

Remember: This stance promotes a powerful, upward strike on the ball for maximum distance and launch angle!

The Perfect Iron & Wedge Stance - Key Points for Precision & Control

Hitting irons and wedges requires precision and control, so you’ll need to adjust your stance accordingly. Here’s how to refine your stance for these clubs.


  • Narrower Stance: Feet shoulder-width apart for long irons (3-5), hip-width apart for short irons & wedges.
  • Parallel Alignment: Feet parallel to the target line, toes straight ahead.

Ball Placement:

  • Long Irons: Ball slightly forward of center for a descending strike.
  • Mid & Short Irons: Ball in the middle of your stance.
  • Wedges: Ball slightly back of center for a steeper angle of attack.

Weight Distribution:

  • Balanced Start: Weight evenly distributed between both feet.
  • Shift to Lead Foot at Impact: Weight shifts slightly to back foot during swing, then to lead foot at impact.
  • Balanced on Balls of Feet: Maintain a slight bend in your knees.

Body Alignment:

  • Straight Spine & Hip Bend: Keep your back straight and bend forward from your hips.
  • Less Spine Tilt than Driver: Spine angle slightly less tilted than with a driver.
  • Level or Slightly Tilted Shoulders: Shoulders level or with a very slight tilt.

Arm & Hand Position:

  • Natural Hang: Arms hang naturally with a slight bend at the elbows.
  • Hands Ahead of the Ball: Hands slightly ahead of the ball, especially with wedges.
  • Firm but Relaxed Grip: Hands slightly ahead of the ball at address.

Shoulder Alignment:

  • Square to Target Line: Shoulders aligned parallel to the target line for a straight and controlled swing.

Remember: This stance promotes a controlled, downward strike on the ball for accuracy and precision!

The Perfect Putting Stance - Key Points for Control & Precision

Your short game is often what makes or breaks a good round, so a good stance is key. The proper putting stance helps you maintain control, consistency, and precision on the green. Here's how to achieve the proper putting stance.


  • Shoulder-Width or Slightly Narrower: Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower for stability.
  • Parallel Alignment: Feet parallel to the target line for proper alignment.

Ball Placement:

  • Slightly Forward: Position the ball slightly forward of center for a slight upswing and smooth roll.

Weight Distribution:

  • Balanced or Slightly Forward: Weight evenly distributed or with a slight shift towards your lead foot.
  • Balanced on Balls of Feet: Maintain a slight bend in your knees.

Body Alignment:

  • Straight Back & Hip Bend: Keep your back straight and bend slightly forward from your hips.
  • Eyes Over or Inside the Ball: See the target line clearly.
  • No Significant Spine Tilt: Shoulders level for an even, pendulum-like stroke.

Arm & Hand Position:

  • Natural Hang: Arms hang naturally with a slight bend at the elbows.
  • Straight but Not Rigid Arms: Arms swing freely like a pendulum.
  • Light Grip: Focus on control rather than power.
  • Hands Work as a Unit: Guide the putter along the target line.
  • Minimal Wrist Movement: Motion primarily comes from your shoulders.

Head Position:

  • Steady & Over the Ball: Eyes looking straight down or slightly inside the ball.
  • Minimal Head Movement: Keep your head still throughout the stroke.

Remember: This stance promotes a controlled, consistent putting stroke for accuracy and precision on the green!

Learn more: 10 Tips to Dramatically Improve Your Putting Skills

Build a Strong Foundation

Getting your golf stance right is one of the most important steps in developing a solid, consistent game. As a beginner, focusing on these fundamentals will not only improve your swing but also boost your confidence on the course. Remember, practice makes perfect—so take the time to refine your stance and let it become second nature. With the proper foundation in place, you'll be well on your way to mastering the game and enjoying every round of golf.

A great set of clubs can also give your confidence a boost and transform your golf game. Stix all-black golf clubs are modern, elegant, and beginner friendly with plenty of forgiveness. With these clubs, you’ll notice a difference right away–and you might even stand a little taller while using them, too.

Shop Stix golf club sets →

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