golfer gripping golf club

How to Grip a Golf Club: Guide for Beginners

One of the most fundamental aspects of golf is the way you grip your golf club. A proper grip sets the foundation for a consistent and powerful swing, impacting everything from accuracy to distance. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essentials of gripping a golf club, tailored specifically for beginners. Understanding the different types of grips and finding the one that suits you best can transform your game and boost your confidence on the course. From the familiar baseball grip to the professional-favorite Vardon grip, we’ll cover it all, ensuring you have the knowledge and tools to develop a strong and effective golf swing.

What’s So Important About Your Golf Grip?

The type of clubs you have don’t matter nearly as much as whether or not you’ve got the right grip on the club. Your grip on the golf club is the foundation of your game. Your grip influences how much control and power you can generate with each swing, as well as how accurate your shots will be. Here are some of the key benefits that a good golf grip can provide.

Control and Accuracy

A good golf grip ensures that the clubface is square at impact, which is crucial for accurate shots. You’re more likely to hit the ball straight and control the direction of your shots, reducing the chances of hooks or slices.

Learn more about proper golf alignment and aiming →


Consistency in your golf game comes from repeating the same actions effectively. A consistent grip helps you develop a repeatable swing, leading to more predictable and reliable shot outcomes.

Power and Distance

A good golf grip allows you to maximize the power generated during your swing. With a good grip, you can more efficiently transfer energy from your body to the club, and then from the club to the ball, resulting in way more distance.

Learn more about what distance to expect from each golf club →

Feel and Touch

A good grip enhances your sense of feel and touch with the club. This is especially important for short game shots, like chipping and putting, where precision and control are vital.


A good golf grip provides the flexibility to adjust for different types of golf shots. Whether you need to hit a draw, fade, or control your ball trajectory, a good golf grip makes it easier to make adjustments to your game as needed.

Understand the Different Golf Grip Types

There are three primary types of golf grips: the Vardon (or Overlap) Grip, the Interlocking Grip, and the Baseball (or 10-Finger) Grip. Each has its unique benefits and suitability for different players. Here’s a detailed look at each type.

1. Vardon (Overlap) Grip

With this grip, the pinky finger of your right hand (for right-handed golfers) overlaps (rests on top of) the index finger of your left hand.


  • Control: This golf grip provides excellent control of the club by linking the hands together.
  • Stability: It helps maintain a stable and consistent grip pressure.
  • Preferred by Pros: Many professional golfers prefer this grip due to the control and stability it offers.

Best for

  • Golfers with larger hands.
  • Players seeking a balance between power and control.

2. Interlocking Grip

With the Interlocking grip, the pinky finger of your right hand interlocks with the index finger of your left hand. 


  • Unified Hands: The interlocking grip ensures your hands work together as a single unit, which can really enhance control.
  • Secure Hold: It provides a very secure grip, reducing the likelihood of the club twisting in your hands.
  • Comfort: Often feels more comfortable for golfers with smaller hands.

Best for

  • Golfers with smaller hands.
  • Players who prefer a more connected feel between the hands.

3. Baseball (10-Finger) Grip

With a baseball grip, all ten fingers are on the club, similar to holding a baseball bat. Beginner golfers tend to find this to be the most comfortable grip and the easiest to learn when they’re first starting out.


  • Simplicity: Easy to learn and feels natural for beginners.
  • Power: Can generate a lot of power since all ten fingers are in contact with the club, allowing for a strong hold.
  • Flexibility: Offers more flexibility in the wrists, which can be beneficial for certain shots.

Best for

  • Beginners or younger players.
  • Golfers with arthritis or weak hands who need a comfortable grip.
  • Those who struggle with the other grips and need a simpler alternative.

How to Grip a Golf Club (Baseball Grip)

As a beginner, you might find the baseball grip to feel more natural and comfortable so that’s what we’ll be highlighting in this guide. Here’s a breakdown of how to achieve a strong baseball grip on your golf club.

1. Position Your Dominant Hand

Hold your club at waist height, horizontal to the ground. Place your club in the fingers of your dominant hand, running diagonally from the base of your pinky finger to just above the first joint of your index finger. Wrap your fingers around the grip. Your thumb should point down the shaft, slightly off center.

When looking down at your dominant hand, you should see the first two knuckles. The "V" formed by your thumb and index finger should point towards your non-dominant shoulder.

Pro tip: your club should be held primarily in the fingers, not the palm. This is a common mistake beginners make.

2. Position Your Non-Dominant Hand

Bring your non-dominant hand to the club, placing it just below your dominant hand. The palm of your non-dominant hand should face the target (the ball). Place the club in the fingers of your non-dominant hand, running from the base of your pinky finger to the second joint of your index finger.

Wrap your right fingers around the grip. Your thumb should rest slightly left of the center of the shaft, covering your dominant thumb. Ensure that your non-dominant pinky finger is close to your dominant index finger, but not interlocking or overlapping.

3. Dialing In Your Grip Pressure

Think of your golf grip like a friendly handshake – firm, but not bone-crushing. You want enough pressure to keep the club secure throughout your swing, but not so much that you create tension in your arms and wrists. This sweet spot of grip pressure will help you maintain control while allowing your wrists to hinge and release freely.

The Goldilocks Zone: Not Too Tight, Not Too Loose
  • Too Tight: If you're white-knuckling it, you'll lose that all-important "feel" for the club. Tension can creep into your arms and shoulders, throwing off your swing rhythm and robbing you of power. Think of it like trying to dance while squeezing a stress ball – not exactly smooth moves, right?
  • Too Loose: On the other end of the spectrum, a loosey-goosey grip can cause the club to twist in your hands, leading to wild shots that veer off course. Imagine trying to hit a baseball with a wet noodle – you wouldn't have much control, would you?
Finding Your Grip Pressure Sweet Spot
  • The Toothpaste Test: A classic tip is to imagine holding a tube of toothpaste. You want enough pressure to keep the cap on, but not so much that you squeeze any toothpaste out.
  • Practice Swings: Take a few practice swings and pay attention to how the club feels in your hands. Does it feel secure? Can you still comfortably hinge your wrists? Make slight adjustments until you find a pressure that feels "just right."
  • Experiment: Different situations on the course might call for subtle adjustments in your grip pressure. You might need a slightly firmer grip when hitting out of the rough, for example. But remember, the goal is to maintain consistent, comfortable pressure throughout your swing.

With a little practice, you'll develop a feel for the right grip pressure that suits your swing and helps you unleash your full potential on the course. Just remember, it's all about finding that Goldilocks zone – not too tight, not too loose, but just right.

4. Fine-tuning Your Grip

While the basic grip instructions are a great starting point, every golfer's hands are different. It's essential to make small adjustments to your grip until it feels comfortable and natural for you. Here are a few tips for fine-tuning your grip:

  • Clubface Alignment: Take a practice swing and stop at the top. Look down at the clubface. Is it square (perpendicular to your target line)? If it's slightly open (pointing to the right) or closed (pointing to the left), you may need to adjust the placement of your hands on the grip.
  • Comfort is Key: Don't be afraid to experiment with slight variations in hand position. The goal is to find a grip that feels comfortable and allows you to swing freely without any discomfort or strain.
  • The "V" Check: Take a look at the "V" shapes formed by your thumbs and index fingers. Ideally, these Vs should point towards your trail shoulder (right shoulder for right-handed golfers). If they're pointing too far left or right, adjust your grip accordingly.
  • Seek Guidance: If you're still struggling to find a comfortable grip, don't hesitate to seek help from a golf professional. They can analyze your swing and provide personalized guidance on how to optimize your grip for your individual needs.

Get a Grip

Mastering your golf grip is a pivotal step towards improving your game and enjoying your time on the course. By concentrating on a good golf grip, you’re setting yourself up for greater accuracy, consistency, and power in your swings. A good grip is the foundation of a great golf swing, and with patience and perseverance, you’ll see significant improvements in your game.

Sometimes a great set of golf clubs is all you need for a boost of confidence and motivation to get out on the course and practice. Take our quiz now to find the perfect set for you, or shop our entire collection of clubs and decide for yourself!

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