playing golf on a drizzly day

8 Tips for Playing Better Golf in the Rain

It’s happened to us all. You’ve been looking forward to the weekend tee time you booked weeks in advance, only to wake up on the day and discover it’s raining. It’s a golfer's worst nightmare. But it doesn’t have to be. Playing golf in the rain comes with its own set of hurdles, but with the right strategies, it can be both incredibly fun and a rewarding experience. In this guide, we'll dive into the challenges of navigating soggy fairways and provide practical tips to help you conquer the rain-soaked course. From choosing the right gear to adjusting your game plan, we'll explore everything you need to know to stay dry, maintain control, and make the most of your rainy day round.

Can You Golf in the Rain?

Yes, you can absolutely golf in the rain. While it’s not the most comfortable experience compared to a sunny day, a little drizzle doesn’t have to totally ruin your plans to hit the links. You’ll just need to adjust your playstyle a little to compensate for the change in weather and course conditions. As long as you know how to adapt your technique and wear the proper rain gear, playing golf in the rain is both possible and enjoyable. Plus, you’ll probably benefit from the fact that other golfers won’t want to play in the rain–meaning you’ll have the course all to yourself.

Challenge of Playing Golf in the Rain

Even though it’s possible, golfing in the rain presents several challenges that can affect both your comfort and performance on the course. Here are some primary challenges to consider when golfing in the rain.

Reduced Visibility

Rain can reduce your visibility, especially when it’s misty or foggy, making it harder to track the flight of your ball and judge distances accurately. Reduced visibility means misjudged shots and increased frustration.

Slippery Surfaces

Golf courses can get really slippery in the rain. Cart paths, tee boxes, and fairways can all be a little hazardous when wet, so it’s important to watch your step both traversing the course and making your shots.

Club Grip

Rain can compromise your ability to maintain a secure grip on your clubs, leading to bad hits and reduced control over your shots.

Difficulty in Ball Control

Controlling the spin and trajectory of your golf ball in wet conditions can be challenging. Shots may not behave as expected, requiring adjustments to your game strategy.

Impact on Equipment

Rain can damage your golf equipment, including clubs, balls, and bags. Wet clubs can rust over time if not dried properly, and waterlogged balls won’t perform as well in the future. Keeping equipment dry and properly maintained is incredibly important after golfing in the rain.


Playing golf in the rain can be uncomfortable, with cold temperatures and wet clothing contributing to some gnarly discomfort. This can distract from your focus on the game and affect your overall enjoyment–which should be the whole point.

Pace of Play

Inclement weather can slow down the pace of play as golfers take extra time to prepare for shots, navigate wet terrain, and deal with the challenges presented by the weather conditions. The slower pace of play is usually canceled out with fewer golfers on the course, but not always.

Mental Toughness

Enduring adverse weather conditions requires mental toughness and resilience. Staying focused and maintaining a positive attitude despite the challenges can be difficult but is essential for playing your best on a rainy day.

8 Tips for Playing Your Best Round of Golf in the Rain

Playing golf in the rain requires some adjustments and preparation to ensure you can still have a good time. Follow these tips on your next rainy day tee time.

1. Waterproof Rain Gear

Wearing good rain gear is key when golfing in the rain. You won’t be able to play your best in soaking wet clothes, let alone enjoy yourself. Invest in quality waterproof golf gear, including a waterproof jacket, pants, and golf shoes. Consider using rain gloves, too, which are designed to provide better grip in wet conditions.

While rain gear is sufficient while playing, a golf umbrella can also be incredibly handy to keep you dry in between shots. Make sure it's sturdy and wind-resistant in case the weather worsens while you’re out on the course. That way, you’ll be dry and comfortable for all eighteen holes.

You’ll also want to waterproof your gear. Use waterproof clubhead covers as well as a waterproof golf bag or rain cover to keep your clubs dry between shots. 

2. Stock Up on Golf Towels

While waterproof rain gloves can be helpful, you want to make sure you’re drying your equipment off after every shot. That means grips, clubs, and hands. When playing golf in the rain, you’ll want to carry extra towels to wipe down your equipment and keep everything as dry as possible.

Shop Stix golf towels →

3. Club Up

Clubbing up in rainy conditions will make your life a lot easier. The soft course paired with a waterlogged ball means you won’t get as much distance with your shots as you normally would. To combat this, choose a club that’ll give you more distance, loft, and control. For example, consider using more fairway woods and hybrids rather than irons on the fairway. 

Learn more: What Is The Average Distance For Each Golf Club?

4. Bring Extra Golf Balls

Low visibility, slippery grass, and less control over your shots make a recipe for lost golf balls. Consider bringing a few more golf balls than you normally would on a sunny day, just in case you lose them to the rough. Low spin golf balls can also make playing in the rain a little bit easier with the extra distance they provide.

5. Stay Balanced

Pay extra attention to your footing in wet conditions to avoid slipping. Take shorter, more controlled swings to maintain balance and stability throughout your swing. You should also consider wearing cleated golf shoes for extra stability both when playing and traversing the course to prevent falls.

6. Check Course Rules

Most golf courses have specific inclement weather rules for these occasions, including temporary greens, cart path only rules, preferred lies, and more. These rules are designed both for player safety as well as course integrity, so be sure to refer to these rules before hitting the links.

Learn more: Golf Rules Made Simple: Beginners Guide to Golf Rules and Etiquette

7. Manage Your Expectations

Accept that playing in the rain may affect your performance, and adjust your expectations accordingly. Focus on enjoying the game and the challenge of playing in adverse conditions. Maintain a positive attitude and embrace the challenge of playing in the rain. A positive mindset can help you stay focused and perform better despite the weather conditions.

8. Know When to Call It

Knowing when to call it is the most important part of playing golf in the rain. If the weather becomes too severe consider pausing your round and seeking shelter until conditions improve or pack it up altogether. Whenever you hear thunder or see lightning, you should pause gameplay, put your clubs away, and seek shelter if possible. Safety should always be your top priority when golfing in the rain. 

What to Wear When Golfing in the Rain

When golfing in the rain, it's essential to wear clothing that will keep you dry and comfortable no matter how many holes you play. Here’s what we recommend you wear for maximum comfort in the rain.

Waterproof Jacket

Invest in a high-quality waterproof jacket specifically designed for golf. Look for features like taped seams and adjustable cuffs to ensure maximum protection from the rain. Rain jackets with vents can keep you both cool and dry on rainy summer days.

Waterproof Pants

Pair your waterproof jacket with waterproof pants to keep your lower body dry. Choose pants that are breathable and allow for freedom of movement to maintain comfort while swinging and walking around the course.

Rain Gloves

Consider wearing rain gloves designed to provide better grip in wet conditions. These gloves are typically made of materials that maintain traction even when wet, helping you maintain control over your club.

Waterproof Hat

Wear a waterproof hat to keep rain out of your eyes and off your face. Look for styles with a wide brim or a peaked cap design to provide extra protection. Check out the Performance Golf Hat from Stix. This hat wicks away both sweat and rain, keeping you dry in all weather conditions.

Waterproof Shoes

Invest in waterproof golf shoes with cleats to prevent slipping on wet grass and mud. Ensure they are comfortable and provide adequate support for walking the course in rainy conditions.

Layered Clothing

Depending on the temperature and severity of the rain, consider layering your clothing to stay warm and dry. Moisture-wicking base layers can help keep sweat away from your skin while insulating layers provide warmth.

Swinging in the Rain

Despite the challenges and less-than-ideal course conditions, some golfers find playing in the rain to be a rewarding experience, testing their skills and adaptability. With proper preparation and adjustments to your game, you can still enjoy a round of golf even in wet conditions.

A forgiving set of golf clubs can revolutionize your rainy-day game. Forgiving clubs can help the ball travel farther and straighter in wet conditions, allowing you to stay under par even when it’s raining. At Stix, we’ve designed sleek, modern clubs that are perfect for all weather conditions and all play styles to take the guesswork out of choosing the right clubs for the situation. Stix golf clubs look amazing and help boost your performance, even in the rain, without breaking the bank.

Shop Stix golf club sets →

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